Glass is a transparent and hard yet fragile material which in its heated state is free flowing and tactile.
Sand is the main ingredient in making Glass. The purer and cleaner the sand is, it will make a clearer and more sparkly a glass.
An ancient craft which simultaneously popped up around the world. Every culture has some pottery tradition. Its refinements have progressed with humankind.
Mud is a common euphemism for clay or earth. It is the potter’s medium, so potters are sometimes called “Mud Slingers”
Light is a metaphor for beauty and knowledge. It is what we are trying to create and truly manipulate, when working in glass and pottery.
In Pottery and Glass, fire is a verb, meaning to add heat. It is heat that transforms our ingredients and materials, to give longevity to the objects we make.
Craft is the activity of skillfully making things by hand.
For Paulus and Monica, it is love which brought them together and their mutual love of craft that keeps them together.
My grade 5 teacher, Mr. Dubelay, at Birch Cliff Heights Public School, introduced me to making things with clay. Pottery added to my repertoire of activities for busily hand making things including dressmaking, cooking, baking, macrame, and crocheting. I was fortunate enough to have encountered teachers, in a couple of well equipped high schools, which continued to encourage my pottery making passion.
I have blown glass for over thirty years. My education and indoctrination into the work of my life began at The Ontario College of Art, when there was still a glass studio there. It had fewer letters in the acronym of its name, circa 1984. After graduating, I traveled to places where glass was important. One such place was Pilchuck Glass School, founded by Dale Chihuly, where I met and worked with renowned glass artists. Most influential were Lino Tagliapetra, and Benjamin Moore. It was there that I discovered Venetian style glass work.
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